Sentinels Summer Public Policy Research Fellowship

This U.S. public policy research program supports student research projects focused on contemporary issues in U.S. economic, social, and/or environmental policy, including but not limited to community and regional development, regulation, inequality, and/or processes and powers of the American Government at any level. Students are encouraged to propose projects in which they engage in partnership with local community organizations. Sentinels Fellows are awarded research funding based primarily on their written project proposal.

  • Overview: The Sentinels Summer Fellowship supports student projects focused on contemporary issues in U.S. economic, social, and/or environmental policy, including but not limited to community and regional development, regulation, inequality, and/or processes and powers of the American government. Applicants are encouraged to propose projects in which they will engage in partnership with local community organizations.

    Terms: This competitive fellowship provides a range of stipends from 4 weeks to 10 weeks along with a $500 field research expense budget to cover remote research during the summer. Projects must be guided by a Williams faculty member, who will commit to regular oversight of the Sentinel Fellow’s work throughout the research period.

    Eligibility: Open to rising Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

    Applicants should submit the following information to the Center for Learning in Action via this online application form by Thursday, April 10th, 2025 at 11:59pm.

    • Research proposal (not to exceed 3.5 pages)
    • Transcript
    • Letter of support from Williams Faculty Project Advisor confirming a) their willingness to confer at least weekly with you and b) your capacity to conduct the research remotely
    • If relevant, an additional letter from a specialty advisor (need not be a Williams faculty member)

    The research proposal should include the following:

    1. the topic and key questions that will be addressed in the investigation
    2. the nature of the research work involved (the means by which the questions will be addressed)
    3. description of how the research will be conducted remotely, if necessary (including key resources and how they'll be accessed)
    4. the timeframe for conducting the research
    5. the expected outcomes
    6. how the applicant’s background and prior studies helped prepare them for this project

    Those receiving fellowships will be notified by early May.

    Students awarded a Sentinels Fellowship will be expected to produce a report by August 20th, 2025 as well as an abstract to be posted on the Sentinels webpage.

    Please note that Sentinels funding does not support unpaid internships, business planning projects, or non-U.S. policy research. Proposals involving fieldwork are strongly encouraged.

    For more information, drop in on one of CLiA's weekly Open Office Hours (Thursdays, 11:30am - 1:00pm in Paresky) or contact Dr. Paula Consolini ([email protected]), Director of the Center for Learning in Action or one of the other Sentinels Selection Committee members: Professor Cathy Johnson ([email protected]) and Professor Nicole Mellow ([email protected]).

    Abstracts and samples of past Sentinels reports can be viewed below.

For more information, contact Paula Consolini ([email protected]), Director of the Center for Learning in Action or other Sentinels Selection Committee members: Professor Cathy Johnson ([email protected]), Professor Nicole Mellow ([email protected]), and Professor Stephen Sheppard ([email protected]).