Welcome to The Williams Center at Mt. Greylock! The Center creates academic and co-curricular collaborations between Mt. Greylock and Williams College Center for Learning in Action, enriching learning experiences of both the middle- and high-school students and Williams undergraduates.
Our rich partnership, founded in 2008, supports the many diverse initiatives that continue to develop and grow, including the Williams Fellows program—lending assistance both during and after school; extracurricular clubs; field studies to the Williams campus; and speaker and workshop series featuring Williams professors and students. Each year an average of 30 Williams students participate in programming with Mt. Greylock students through work-study or off-campus jobs, community engagement experiences, and extensions of their classes on campus, benefitting both MG students and teachers directly.
BELOW you will find important information about the current programs and how to access many opportunities for your student. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Have a great year!
Tara Olney
Director, The Williams Center at Mt. Greylock/Middle and High School Outreach
[email protected]