Teaching to Learn (T2L) Curriculum Units
Williams College, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, and North Adams Public Schools partnered on Teach to Learn, an $820,876 National Science Foundation grant-funded project that ran from 2014-2018. The following curriculum units were developed by the team in alignment with Massachusetts state science standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
- Grade K: Matter and Motion (PDF)
- Grade K: Plants and Animals (PDF)
- Grade 1: Patterns in Our World (PDF)
- Grade 1: Light and Sound (PDF)
- Grade 1: Plants and Animals (PDF)
- Grade 2: Materials Matter (PDF)
- Grade 2: Land and Water (PDF)
- Grade 2: Habitats (PDF)
- Grade 3: Adaptation and Heredity (PDF)
- Grade 3: Weather and Climate (PDF)
- Grade 3: Forces (PDF)
- Grade 3: Magnetic Properties (PDF)
- Grade 4: Earth’s Surface (PDF)
- Grade 4: Energy (PDF)
- Grade 4: Waves (PDF)
- Grade 4: Plant And Animal Anatomy (PDF)
- Grade 5: Food Webs (PDF)
- Grade 5: Matter (PDF)
- Grade 5: Earth’s Place In The Universe (PDF)