NAPS Fellows – paid position
- Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per week (flexible)
- Where: Brayton and Colegrove Elementary Schools in North Adams (4-6 miles away, 10-minute drive)
- Work Hours
- Science Fellows: flexible, TBD based on schedules
- Classroom Support: flexible, TBD based on schedules
- Contact: Amy Sosne
- Common Application
Science Fellows at Brayton Elementary School: The Science Fellow Program has been a coveted program in the North Adams Public Schools and Williams College partnership. Students collaborate with classroom teachers to lead interactive science lessons weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Students began participating in the NAPS Science Fellows Programs as part of the North Adams Teaching to Learn initiative funded in part by the National Science Foundation. Even though the grant has run out, the program is still running and using the Teach to Learn Science Curriculum. Science Fellows work with the teacher they are assigned to collaborate with and their fellow college partners to create and implement lessons based on the curriculum units and materials. North Adams has an ample stock of materials that students can work with the teachers and administration to procure for lessons.
College students’ enthusiasm, love for learning, and interest in science and innovation are reflected in their teaching children to have fun, be curious, and want to learn during these interactive sessions. Fellows are paired with teachers (grades K-5) and will collaborate to create unique lesson plans that the Science Fellows will then teach that are based on core standards for the Teach2Learn Curriculum and/or MA Science State Standards.
STEAM Fellows/Upper Elementary School Students: TBD – Fellows working with upper elementary students from Colegrove will work with students at a field trip site or at Colegrove in grades 4th-5th on 90 minute STEAM projects. Students may choose to sign-up for different opportunities and field trips in partnership with the Berkshire Innovation Center at MOCA or the Berkshire Innovation Center in Pittsfield. This program offers students training in teaching, running, and working with elementary students; fellows are provided with the STEAM project and detailed training as well as understanding of how the project fits into the school’s Science Curriculum.
Classroom Support: The program provides extra classroom support to assist with small groups, ELA, math, and/or social studies, as well as an immersive classroom experience for college students interested in teaching or in just engaging with students.
Reflection & Testimonials
- “Since starting science fellows on Mondays, I’ve started looking forward to my Mondays. I know that I have over an hour of my day dedicated explicitly toward these kiddos. They are an amazing start to the week and always full of so much energy and excitement.” – Anonymous, ’25
- “During my time as a Science Fellow, your support and guidance were much appreciated. Going to Greylock Elementary School and working with Mrs. Rondeau was one of the highlights of my senior year, so I am sincerely thankful for all that you do to sustain and improve the NAPS program at CLiA! My only regret is not joining the program sooner.” Karla De La Fuente ’22”
- “The Williams students bring another “voice” to the classroom. They bring a different energy and perspective that enhances the programs that the classroom teacher already has in place.” NAPS teacher, end of the year 2023
Goals & Responsibilities
Science Fellows working in North Adams schools teach one science lesson each week and participate in related program activities. The Science Fellow Program continues to be based on the Teaching to Learn initiative (part of an NSF grant that ended several years ago but has left lasting beneficial curricular changes). Science Fellow responsibilities and activities include attendance at orientations, participation in periodic trainings focused on effective science teaching as well as social/emotional learning and issues directly related to teaching elementary children, planning time with teaching partners, and weekly debriefing with North Adams teachers in whose classrooms Science Fellows work. For any further questions, email Amy Sosne.