Below are links to fabulous past GreylockTalks by Williams faculty, staff and student as well as wonderful community based student research projects. Please feel free to share and enjoy!
Talks by Williams professors and staff
Winning and Loosing in American Politics: Nicole Mellow
The Midterm 2022 Election; What Happened and What’s Next: Matt Tokeshi
Why the Impacts of Climate Change are so Unfair: José Constantine
Memory & Forgetting: Christina Simko
Physics of Waves: Tiku Majumder
Realer than Real: Zachary Wadsworth (Music)
Big Rocks, Big Ideas: Ronadh Cox
The Other Minds Problem: Mind-reading, Egocentrism, and The Trouble with Lying: Jeremy Cone
The Power of Social Norms: Steve Fein
Olympic Swimmer, Samantha Livingstone, “Staying in Your Lane”.
Biology and Math Professor, Julie Blackwood
Mass Extinctions with Professor Phoebe Cohen
A State of Unremitting and Unrivaled Chaos: Trump’s Hostile Takeover of the Grand Old Party”, Justin Crowe
High School. College. Then What? with Don Kjelleren, Williams Career Counseling
Physics Professor, Swati Singh, Detecting Force Fields
No Lost Generation- Refugee Advocacy. Emma Lezberg ’20 and others.
Statistics Professor, Bernhard Klingenberg
Math Professor, Steve Miller, “Pythagoras at the Bat”
Alex DiAdezzio, Williams Admissions.”Applying to College, How to Minimize Stress While Exploring Your Options”
Profession Bernie Rhie, “What is Zen?”
Lara Aillon-Shol, Williams Health Services “Ahhh…sleep!”
Theater professor, David Gurcay Morris, ” Word Building, Scenic Design for Theater”
Student Community Based Research/ Special Projects/ GreylockTalks
Kazakhstan, the Heart of Central Asia, Dilara Karashashova, Williams College Global Language TA (2023)
Greece, From Socrates to Crisis, Danae Tsiamis, Williams College Global Language TA (2023)
Social Movements of the 1960s and the Push for Change: 9th Grade Curriculum Design at Mt Greylock, Kitt Urdang ’23 (2023)
Water and Responsibility, Grades 1-5: 9th Grade Curriculum Design at Pine Cobble School, Tommy Clarke ’25 (2023)
Berkshire Immigrant Center: Kyungmin Yook ’23 (and Charles Bonenti BIC) (2023)
Net Zero Williamstown: Gracie Guidotti ’23, Maria Avrantini ’23, Alana Lopez Barro Rivera ’23 (2023)
Comprehensive Plan Outreach:Sean Morrisey ’24, Nali Tatter ’23, Lu Platz ’24, Rwick Savkar ‘23.5
Final-Presentation Airfield to Amphitheaters: MGRHS Placemaking Project, Envi Planning 411
Returning Citizen’s Reentry: A Second Chance, Bless Reece ’22
Literary Tool Kit for DEI discussions, School Book Club Planner, (2022)
Mental Health Resources for Mt Greylock Regional School, Senior Public Health Project, (2023)
Positive Pathway Partnership,P3
HiSET Exam Preparation Materials
Hipolito Vazquez ’22 Winterstudy 2022 at Mt Greylock
Zoom Around the World Playbook, (2021)
Pathways to Public School Certification, Peer College Bench Marking Research (2021)
8th Grade Indigenous History, Racial Justice Curriculum Development, (2021)
Virtual Talks moderated by Williams student leaders during COVID
Christian Alberga 21, Kingston Jamaica
Raise your Voice: Don Zasada, Caretaker Farm
Raise Your Voice: Kim McMann, Berkshire Food Project
Raise Your Voice: Crystal Chissell, Project Drawdown
Other talks by Williams students
Eli Cytrynbaum ‘20 “My Personal Philosophy to Spread Kindness”
Melanie Subbiah ‘17 “My Summer at FaceBook”
Anne Johnston, Firefighting
Max Harmon ‘18 “Hiking the Appalachian Trail”
Gabby Markel ’18 “Alaskan Animals 101”
Diego Gonzalez ’18 “From Pong to Reality”
Anna Kim ’19 “Finding Your Fire in the Stream of Life”
Moiz Rehan ’19 “Staying True to Myself”