After a full day of teaching or assistant teaching, students return to their cozy rooms at the Central Park West Side YMCA via subway, bus or foot. The students learn quickly how to navigate the city’s transportation systems. After a brief nap or workout, many will venture out to explore city life by going out to dinner, taking in a movie or listening to live music at a nearby cafe. Often students will get out of school early enough so they can take advantage of free adventures like museums, art galleries or a walk in Central Park before dusk. The opportunities are endless.
Once a week, students will meet for dinner & discussion organized by Program Director Finnegan. The idea is to provide a healthy, delicious meal and an opportunity for the students to process & share their experiences with fellow students. The panelists are professionals from the fields of education, politics and social outreach enterprises who are involved in the present initiative to create a new paradigm for public education.