Winter Study offers students some amazing options for traveling and being introduced to Africa. Outside of travel Winter Study courses, students can propose a 99 project of their choosing. In the past, Kiaran Honderich has taken students to Uganda and Senegal during winter study and has developed relations with the main universities there and also with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In January 2014 and 2017, Outing Club Director Scott Lewis took a group of students to Liberia to work with the NGO, Women Now and volunteer at the Ganta Leprosy and TB Rehab Center.
For more information about creating a 99 project, visit here. Below are photos from past winter study trips, student testimonials, and a list of some of the most recent relevant Travel Winter Study Courses.
Photos & Student Testimonials
“My advice would be to spend time with the natives. It can be difficult to stray away from your group of Williams friends, but being the only outsider in a group of locals opens up the door to valuable insights and experiences.” – Valeria Pelayo, WGSS 25: Creating Social Enterprises with Marginalized Uganda Youth
“This experience was amazing. Working with HIV positive youth, and seeing their hope and resiliency was inspiring. I met amazing people that, without this opportunity, I would never have met. I whole-heartedly recommend this trip to anyone who wants to be challenged and experience new things” – Sarah Brathwaite, WGSS 25: Creating Social Enterprises with Marginalized Uganda Youth
“The most enjoyable aspect of my trip was meeting the Liberian people, who after years of war, poverty, and social instability, still have so much hope and joy! I learned so much about not only true heartache, but also faith, perseverance, and hope from the women we interviewed. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to participate in some amazing work in an amazing country.” – Adrianna DeGazon, SPEC 24: Community Development Work and Study Project in Liberia, West Africa
Recent Travel WSP Courses to Africa:
AFR 025/WGST 24: Youth, Gender and Social Activism in Tanzania, Professor Kiaran Honderich ([email protected])
ECON 25 Socio-Economic Impact of 20 Years of Democracy in South Africa, Professor Michael Samson ([email protected])
SPEC 24 Community Development Work and Study Project in Liberia, West Africa, WOC Director Scott Lewis ([email protected])
WGSS 25 Creating Social Enterprises with Marginalized Ugandan Youth, Professor Kiaran Honderich ([email protected])