Those courses listed with an asterisk (*) and in bold link to a more detailed page on the Center for Learning in Action site containing additional information, photos, testimonials and more.
Community and Economic Development
- ANTH 371 (F) Medicine, Pathology, and Power: An Ethnographic View
- ENVI 411 (F) Environmental Planning Workshop
- PSCI 309 (S) Problems & Progress in American Democracy
- POEC 402 (S) Political Economy of Public Policy Issues
- *ECON 22 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) (Same as POEC 22)
- ECON 17 How to Start a Startup
- PSCI 21 Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
- HIST 310 Iraq and Iran in the Twentieth Century
- PSYC 372 Advanced Seminar in Teaching and Learning
- PSCI 309 Problems and Progress in American Democracy
- JLST 22 Learning Intervention For Troubled Teens (LIFTT)
- *BIOL 11 BioEYES: Teaching Fourth Graders about Zebrafish
- *CHEM 11 Science for Kids (Same as SPEC 11) Not offered WS 2018
- HIST 12 Reading Childhood Not offered WS 2018
- PSCI 21 Fieldwork in Public and Private Non-Profits
- *SPEC 28 Class of 1959 Teach NYC Urban Education Program
Social Services
- PHIL 227 (F) Death and Dying
- PSYC 352 (F) Clinical and Community Psychology
- JLST 22 Learning Intervention For Troubled Teens (LIFTT)
- ECON 22 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
- PSCI 21 Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
- PSCI 25/PSYC 25 Eye Care and Culture In The Rural Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua
- SPEC 22 Ski Patrol Rescue Techniques: Outdoor Emergency Care CPR
- SPEC 19 Medical Apprenticeship Not offered WS 2018
- SPEC 21 Experience the Workplace; an Internship with Williams Alumni/Parents
History, Government & Politics
- HIST 371 (F) Oral History: Theory, Methods and Practice
- LATS 220/AMST 221 Introduction to Urban Studies: Shaping and Living the City
- POEC 402 (S) Political Economy of Public Policy Issues
- PSCI 21 Fieldwork in Public Affairs and Private Non-Profits
Science & the Environment
- BIOL 220/ENVI 220 (S) Field Botany and Plant Natural History
- BIOL 302/ENVI 312 (F) Communities and Ecosystems
- ENVI 102 (S) Introduction to Environmental Science
- ENVI 411 (F) Environmental Planning Workshop
- GEOS 206/ENVI 206 (F) Renewable Energy and the Sustainable Campus
- GEOS/ENVI 214 (F) Mastering GIS
- MAST/GEOS/ENVI 104 (S) Oceanography (Williams/Mystic Program)
- MAST 211/GEOS 210 Oceanographic Processes (Williams/Mystic Program)
- MAST 231 Literature of the Sea (Williams/Mystic Program)
- MAST 311/BIOL 231 Marine Ecology (Williams/Mystic Program)
- MAST /ENVI 351 Marine Policy (Williams/Mystic Program)
- MAST/HIST 352 America and the Sea, 1600–Present (Williams/Mystic Program)
- CSCI 10 Designing and Building a Desktop Computer Not offered WS 2018
Culture & Media
- AMST 101 (F,S) Intro to American Studies
- ENGL 213 (S) Making Radio
- LATS 220/AMST 221 Introduction to Urban Studies: Shaping and Living the City
- PSCI 309 Problems & Progress in American Democracy
Arts & Theatre
- ARTH 508 Art and Conservation: An Inquiry into History, Methods and Materials
- MUS 15 Contemporary American Songwriting
- ARTS 16/CHEM 16 Glass and Glassblowing Not offered WS 2018